Strategic Business Management



Have your members developed a strategy to
cope with the pitfalls and snares of a
changing world market economy?

Are your members prepared for the future?

How would they would answer the following:

  • Do they know where they want to go with their business, do they have a plan?
  • Are they able to clearly communicate the plan to their workforce?
  • Do they have the tools in place to help them ensure success?

If you are not sure, then offer them this course.

Contact us today

14 + 4 =

Customer Head and Quote 2   
“We all had our own ideas but the workshop, through a set of exercises and lively discussions, enabled us to narrow these down to the priorities that would add the most value to our business.”     Bruce Bultitude, Managing Director, PowerJacks

What Will They Learn?

The sessions comprise of teaching and exercises. They provide participants with the tools to define, implement and manage a business strategy.

The activities are based upon the Balanced Scorecard strategic methodology. At the end of the second session, each participant will have created a Strategy Map either for their own business or for a supplied case study. The day provides a safe teaching environment to practice the methodology. 

Download the Strategic Business Management Flyer

Session 1 – Before Lunch


  • Strategic Management Principles
  • Balanced Scorecard Methodology
  • Assessment Exercise
  • Strategic Priorities
  • The Strategy Map
  • Strategy Map Exercise Part 1
Session 2 – After Lunch


  • Linked Strategic Objectives
  • Strategy Map Exercise Part 2
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • The Importance of Targets
  • Building Initiatives and/or Projects
  • Conclusion and Next Steps

We are based in England’s historic capital Winchester. If you would like to visit us our venues include Winchester Cathedral’s Chapter Room, a beautiful 15th-century building looking out over the tranquil green of the Cathedral’s inner close. The Cathedral is five minutes walk from three city centre car parks.

If you would prefer to use your own venue or any other venue, please let us know and we will work with you to provide the best location for the day.

Further Information

This one day course is aimed at those people who need to understand how to build a meaningful business strategy. The teaching and exercises will provide them with a starter-set of information and tools, for some that will be enough. For others, there will almost certainly be a need for further help. Intrafocus can provide on-site strategy workshop facilitation for those people who want to further develop their strategies. We also provide a formal George Washington certified balanced scorecard professional training course that is run three times a year.

Course Output

The course exercises use a carefully prepared case study. This case study will enable participants to practices some of the techniques introduced. The aim is to create the majority of an Integrated Strategy Map similar to the one shown below.

Example of an Integrated Strategy Map

Customer Head and Quote 2  
“The strategic workshop facilitation Intrafocus provided was excellent. The balanced between learning and practical exercises to help move our strategy forward was perfect. If you need someone to really kick-start your strategic activities, they are the people to go to”   

Milos Jelic, CEO, NELT