The Strategy Execution Summit 2015 held this month in Washington DC has once again been a tremendous success. The summit, held jointly by The Balanced Scorecard Institute (holders of the industry de facto standard balanced scorecard methodology) and Spider Strategies (owners of the world renowned QuickScore balanced scorecard software) attracts speakers and attendees from all over the world.
Jules Polonetsky, executive director and co-chair of the Future of Privacy Forum might have seemed an unusual choice for a Keynote speaker on the subject of strategy. Polonetsky is better known for his forthright and down-to-earth views on security and privacy policies adopted by industry in general and network industries specifically. He is a regular speaker at privacy and technology events and has testified before Congressional committees and the Federal Trade Commission. However, his presentation provided a real insight into the importance of privacy as communication and social media have risen to the highest levels of strategic importance in the board room.
Subjects dealt with at the conference were varied but centred on executing strategy. This year there were more case studies, which was welcome. Speakers included representatives from the US Department of Defence, Liebherr Mining Equipment, The Uganda Revenue Authority, The Human Rights Commission for Saudi Arabia, The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and The George Washington University,
In addition to the speakers and case studies there were several workshop sessions including a preview of QuickScore Version 3.0. This latest version due out at the end of 2015 has been given a complete user interface re-design bringing an already powerful product right up to date with a very modern look and feel.
Every year the Balanced Scorecard Institute confreres an Award for Excellence. This year two organisations, both in the healthcare industry, received the award. They were Montana Unified School Trust, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama. The Award recognizes outstanding organizational performance in strategy management and execution.
The Strategy Summit is an annual event, for more information on this year’s event please visit The Strategy Execution Summit 2015