Action Buttons

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To the top right of almost every screen in the application you will find a set of Action Buttons. Depending on which screen you are looking at there will be 5, 4 or 2 buttons.

The 6-Button Action Bar:

Button 1 – Information
Button 2 – Bookmark
Button 3 – Alerts
Button 4 – Send To
Button 5 – Upload Data
Button 6 – History

The 5-Button Action Bar:

Button 1 – Information
Button 2 – Bookmark
Button 3 – Alerts
Button 4 – Send To
Button 5 – History

The 4-Button Action Bar:

Button 1 – Information
Button 2 – Bookmark
Button 3 – Send To
Button 4 – History

The 2-Button Action Bar:

Button 1 – Multiple Actions
Button 2 – Edit (Administrator only)

When clicked, the action buttons will provide the following:


A pop out will appear with information about the object. Depending upon the object selected, information may include a basic description, measure details, series information, owners, updaters, related items.


When clicked the screen will be saved to ‘Bookmarks’ for eas-of-access. The star icon will turn blue. To remove a bookmark, go to the page and click on the star again. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the bookmark deletion


Alerts can be created for any item that appears in a scorecard, see Setting Alerts. While in Dashboards, Charts, Reports and Strategy Maps, the Alerts button is used to Subscribe to the dashboard, chart/report or strategy map. See Subscribe to a Dashboard or Briefing

Send To

The Sent To button can be used to send the page you are viewing to a Briefing presentation), Printer, eMail, Word, PowerPoint, PDF and in addition depending on what you are viewing a PNG image, Excel spreadsheet or Shared Dashboard or Shared Strategy Map


There is an audit log kept of every action against every object in the database behind the application. to see who has completed an action against an object click on the History button. A pop-out will appear giving options for recent history or entire history.

Upload Data

You can upload data from many sources. The upload button, which appears in the Scorecard and Initiatives views can be used to upload from spreadsheets, google sheets or configured to upload directly from an external data source, for example, a SQL database. See Importing Actual Values for more information

Multiple Actions

In Briefings, the action bar has been condensed into a drop-down that includes all of the buttons above. The icon is a small cog with a list chevron.


In briefings, there is an extra ‘Edit’ function available to administrators that allows them to move, delete and copy slides in a Briefing pack.

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