OpenID Configuration

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Configuring OpenID

Please note: this example uses Googles API, you may have a different provider. If so, you will need to replace steps 1-6 to create the credentials required in steps 7-8

1. Access this URL for Google’s API:

2. Create a project:
(Organization remains as your organisation, e.g:

3. In upper left “API Manager”, select “Credentials”.

4. Select “Create credentials” button and select “OAuth client ID”.

5. On “Configure consent screen”, populate fields:
– Email address: e.g:
– Product name: e.g: Your Product
– Privacy URL: e.g:
– Click Save

6. Create client ID screen:
– Select Application Type: Web application
– Name: Spider OpenID Client
– Restrictions – enter redirect URL: e.g:
– Click “Create”.
– This will create client ID and client secret. Take special care to NOT copy leading and trailing spaces.

Example (Numbers are fake for this example):
client ID:
client secret: WudhyhTSyArqnG3ln96XQpCC

7. In QuickScore, go to Administration > Application Administration screen.
– In Authentication settings, select “OpenID Connect”.
– Click “Save” to enable OpenID prompts.
– Enter the following values:
Authorization Endpoint:
Token Endpoint:
User Information Endpoint:
Client ID: [paste copied Client ID here]
Callback URL: [paste copied Callback URL here]
– Click Save

8. To access URL as “admin” user, use the URI:


For OpenID authentication, the software launches you to authenticate against the external authentication source.

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